Wednesday, March 9, 2016

We found a letterbox today and 3 geocaches. I found my first trackable! (Spoilers!!)

Today started out as a pretty lazy day. I finished a book I've been reading called " Drowning Ruth " by Christina Schwarz . It is the 29th book I have read this year . Since the weather has been yucky lately I decided to get the kids and myself out of the house for awhile.
The first geocache called Key Chain Train was hidden in a tree along the rail trail . It was a easy but beautiful walk to the cache. We saw butterflies and lots of neat old buildings. I think I actually found a half buried train as well. I found a trackable dog tag in it. It is the first trackable I have found so I was really excited. I am not really sure if I logged it on the site correctly though. Before I drop it off in another cache further away I have to figure out how to do it for sure.

Right across from the trail is a cemetery that had a geocache in it so I went to find that next. It was called PUD - Thompson.  It was a small pill bottle that was hidden in an old stone wall . I hated to disturb the stone wall.
About 4 miles down the road in the town where my husband and I lived after I moved out of my parents house was the next geocache. It was called J marks the spot. This one was also located in a stone wall in this towns cemetery. This container was a sports bottle .

I knew before I started out for the day that in this last cemetery we went to that there was also a letterbox . The directions to find it were very detailed so I found this easily. The outer bag was wet inside and out but the log and stamp were dry inside ziplock bags.  It was called Earth Day in Starrucca.  I loved the carving.
I took my kids to Jamie's Place to treat my kids to ice cream . My daughter ordered a baby size cotton candy and my son ordered a baby size chocolate with chocolate syrup. The baby scoops were big so I was glad since we hadn't had dinner yet that I didn't order anything larger. The total came to $4.24. This is 10th ice cream place we have gone to since May.
We got home and had a quick dinner and were a few minutes late to the ending ceremony for Vacation Bible School . It was very boring honestly I wish we had just skipped it and I had gotten the kids to bed earlier. We had to leave a few minutes early because my son was being miserable. He was expecting smores that for some reason they didn't wind up having.

I originally wrote this post on on June 29, 2015. The site is shutting down and I never earned any payment. I have transferred this post here on this awesome new blog site and deleted the article on personapaper.

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