Thursday, March 10, 2016

Found 3 letterboxes and 1 geocache yesterday (spoilers!!!)

I had some things to do yesterday and the weather was beautiful about 70 degrees. So I decided to take advantage of it again and go geocaching and letterboxing .
The first thing I did was go looking for a geocache called Chips off the old block . I parked my van and took a walk knowing that the geocache would be near a bar called Chips . I had to make an emergency bathroom break at the gas station then walked to the parking lot of the bar.
It was getting quite warm so I sat on a guard rail that surrounded a light post and took my hoody off. I opened the geocaching app to see where the geocache was planted and it said that it was 25 feet from where I was sitting. It showed on the screen pretty much where I happened to be sitting though so I looked down and sure enough below me was a magnetic key holder with a log inside that I signed.
My geocaching total is now 64 .
I knew along the river there were 3 letterboxes planted in Cemeteries by a carver and planter named Aunt Cake . I love finding her letterboxes because they give such good directions and are easy to find. By finding these 3 I have finished the River Raptor Series she created and it has brought my total of letterbox finds up to 13 .
In the first letterbox I found there was a Bald Eagle stamp and it was located in a really neat cemetery. 

It said to take along red, brown and black markers. That would have been awesome but when I tried it the print came out terrible. I recommend sticking with a stamp pad instead!

That was my favorite of the day. The second stamp was a Red Tail Hawk and was hidden in a very small very old cemetery that I drove right past many times and never noticed. The final letterbox find of the day was a Falcon 
I enjoyed the beautiful day but I truly missed my kids since they were at school. It doesn't feel as exciting letterboxing or geocaching without them. My final stop before heading home for the day was to check on my own geocache. I hadn't been to it since I planted it during the summer. It is still in great shape. I saw someone exchanged a rainbow loom bracelet for a phone keychain. There was a few signatures in the log book but otherwise it is the same as I left it which is good to see it hasn't been disturbed by mice or mugglers.

I originally wrote this post on on November 6, 2015. The site is shutting down and I never earned any payment. I have transferred this post here on this awesome new blog site and deleted the article on personapaper.

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