Thursday, March 31, 2016

Friday was the last day of school

Friday (yesterday) was the last day of school for my children. My daughter will be a 6th grader next year and my son will be a 2nd grader. They went to school for two hours and watched a movie. They came home at 10 am.
I had planned once my children got home and were fed to take them to the movies. My friends father in law was unexpectedly very sick and in the hospital so I told her I would give her a ride up to be with him and her husband who was with him. About a half hour before the kids and I went to pick her up she texted me that her father in law had just passed. It was such terrible news. I feel so sad for their family.
The movie didn't start until 2:15. In the same plaza as Cinema Saver is a book store called the Book Vault . Every time we have been there it was closed. Today it was open so we browsed inside. We came out empty handed but it was neat to get to check it out finally. He had a nice cat that was on the counter that my children enjoyed petting.
The movie my children chose to watch was Home . The previews we had watched looked cute so I was excited to see it as well as the kids. It was a really cute movie. We had a lot of laughs watching it. I added a photo of my children posing in front of the movie poster before the movie started.

We made a quick stop at Barnes and Noble and then got a bunch of groceries at Walmart. 
The last bit of fun we had for the day was a visit to Chuck E. Cheese's . I had the kids report cards with me so each got 10 tokens for that. I also had a reading log that the kids had filled out in May and each got 5 tokens for that. We don't usually eat at Chuck E. Cheese's but since it was a special occasion we ordered a pizza. I had a $2 off coupon for a large pizza so it came to $11.87. We ordered a plain thin crust. Anywhere else the size of that would be about a half sheet. My kids didn't really care for the pizza.

I originally wrote this post on on June 6, 2015. The site is shutting down and I never earned any payment. I have transferred this post here on this awesome new blog site and deleted the article on personapaper.

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