Sunday, March 6, 2016

Geocaching and swimming at Merli-Sarnoski Park (spoilers!!!)

Saturday June 13 my brother in law came over with his two sons. We loaded my kids and his kids into my vehicle and drove to Merli-Sarnsoki Park for a day of swimming and geocaching . We didn't head out until around 2:30pm though which was a little later then I had anticipated.
We searched for quite a few different geocaches but only found one in the park. I really think most of them were missing unfortunately. The one I found was a peanut butter jar covered with camouflage tape . It was called 4 Tundra's Pack. There wasn't much inside it so we just took pictures with it and put it back.
Before we left we let the kids swim for about an hour. The sand there is gross its more dirt then sand.

At the exit of the park we stopped to look for a quick cache and dash called Gateway. It was a key holder on the inside of a guardrail. My brother in law found this one. I intend to go back again and look for more geocaches. There are about 20 in that park and I've only had time to look for about 1/4 of them.
On the way home my brother in law had me stop at a grocery store called Weis so he could get some things for dinner. I had my two kids and one of his sons in the car for me while we waited. My daughter asked me if there were any geocaches there. I did a quick search of nearby caches on the app and found that about 250 feet from where we were parked was a geocache. It was called Festival of Lights Series 1 . I was pretty sure where it was located based on the name. The cache was a key holder but it was in a ziplock baggie with a few toys. It was under a metal piece you have to lift up on the light pole. This was the first time I have ever gotten a light pole geocache so I was excited!
We got home quite late and by the time my kids got showers they didn't get to bed until about 11:30 pm.

I originally wrote this post on on June 15, 2015. The site is shutting down and I never earned any payment. I have transferred this post here on this awesome new blog site and deleted the article on personapaper.

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