Saturday, March 5, 2016

Awesome time at Hawkins Pond and geocaching Sunday (spoilers!!!)

Sunday morning I had a lazy morning. My kids woke me up at 6 am and I wound up laying on the couch reading while they got computer and video game time. I fell asleep and got a message around 9:30 am that thankfully woke me up. I got my kids ready and we headed off to meet a friend and his daughter at a nature area called Hawkins Pond. None of us had ever been there before but I had wanted to go for years. When I saw there were 6 geocaches placed throughout the trails I knew I could talk the kids into going.
What I didn't realize was that the caches were not just easy walks along the trails like I had told my kids they would be. In fact I didn't get to see much of the actual trails nor any of the pond. We did find what remained of two dead porcupines, lots of cute salamanders, a tiny inchworm, tiny snail, some kind of centipede, lots of spiders, and all different kinds of interesting looking tree fungus.

We had to weed through the woods to find the caches. My cell phone had no service in that area and due to that the gps was VERY inaccurate. It took us a lot longer to find them then it should have. My kids were tired so we only did two of the regular size caches which wound up being in ammo boxes. They contained fun stuff for the kids and were really cool. It was worth the walk but next time if I ever go back to geocache there I would want a gpsr so it would be more accurate.
One of the caches High on Hawkins was stuck in a hollow tree. We were taking pictures showing that we had reach the very top of the mountain and the view over the cliff. The compass said we were 200 ft from the cache. As we were turning to leave I happened to notice something that caught my eye and low and behold it WAS the cache. I cannot even imagine how long we would have searched for that if I had not stumbled upon it like I did.
My friends daughter who was 4 wanted to go on more "treasure hunts" so I said after we went for ice cream we could try to find some easy ones that we didn't have to do any hiking through the woods to find.
We went to an ice cream shop called Jem's that a friend of mines mother owns. I had never been there before. The prices were good and the ice cream scoops were huge. They even had tiny little baby cones that were about an inch tall. I should have gotten myself one just for a selfie.
Down the road a little ways was the coolest place and geocache! It was at a mans house who has an old model train outside, old fashioned gas pumps, an old coca-cola machine and other really neat things. The title of the cache was Lost in the Fifties . If you are ever in the area this is absolutely a must see. The geocache was inside a ammo box in an old coca-cola freezer. My daughters favorite part of this visit was a friendly cat she got to play with.

Another two miles or so down the road was our last geocache for the day. My son had absolutely had enough and cried and didn't even want to get out of the van. This cache HOME OF THE FREE BECAUSE OF THE BRAVE was hidden in a decon container at the American Legion . I found it fairly easily but was surprised how few signatures were in the log. Nothing was in the container so my daughter left a pencil and three bouncy balls. I hate when we get to the caches and there is nothing but the log left in them. When you take something you are supposed to replace it with something. People need to follow the rules so it will be fun for others!
Here is a video my daughter did of one of the coolest geocache we found today :

I originally wrote this post on on May 18, 2015. The site is shutting down and I never earned any payment. I have transferred this post here on this awesome new blog site and deleted the article on personapaper.

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