Sunday, March 6, 2016

Geocaching and a birthday party (spoilers!!!)

Yesterday after I lounged around the house for awhile I got my kids and I ready and we went to a pet store and picked up a tick twister to keep in my back pack for when we go geocaching and letterboxing. My exes sister mixed me up a batch of natural tick repellent and dropped it off so we sprayed it all over us and got to test it out. It worked amazing!
The first geocache we looked for was in the parking area at McDonalds . We looked for quite awhile but could not find it.
The second geocache called On the Corner was on the corner of a road hidden under the end of a guard rail . It was such a small little plastic container. I have never seen one that small it was cute. It was only small enough to fit a very small folded up piece of paper for the log.
Here is a video my daughter made at this geocache : 

The third geocache called Under the Bridge was hidden underneath a bridge . There were some bones near the cache that looked like maybe a rat or opossum. My kids and I love finding bones so this was almost as fun as finding the cache. The cache was a metal container and held the log and a few little trinkets.

The fourth and final geocache we found brought our total up to 16 . Its called Kilrow's Celtic Cache. It was in the woods near a cemetery . I had assumed it was going to be directly in the cemetery so my daughter and I were not prepared for a little hike through the woods only wearing flip flops. Thankfully it was only a few hundred feet. It was an ammo can which are my favorite unfortunately it was crushed and laying on its side so the water had poured in and everything inside was nasty and ruined. It had a really neat Irish theme to it so I was really sad that this got ruined as it sounded really fun and had a lot of neat history behind it.

After we got done geocaching we stopped home fast to clean ourselves up then we headed to my sons friends house for a birthday party . It was pirate theme. They always put so much care into their sons parties and all the kids had a great time. It was a wonderful day.

I originally wrote this post on on May 24, 2015. The site is shutting down and I never earned any payment. I have transferred this post here on this awesome new blog site and deleted the article on personapaper.

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