Tuesday, March 22, 2016

My Crazy Labor Day Weekend

Saturday was my father in laws annual labor day / end of summer party . This was the 12th year they have had it. It seems crazy realizing how much time has passed. I remember one year my daughter and her cousin who was a month younger sleeping in a pack and play together there. Another year I was pregnant with my son and had him a few weeks later. After 2011 when my husband died I had to start going alone. What a painful time I've had with this every year. I remember crying and being just crazy wild the first year I had to go after his death. Its strange how grief can effect you so different at different stages.
This year a good friend of mine Jennifer and her daughter went with me to the party for a little while. My ex and his son met me there a few hours later. I got to see a few people I haven't seen in quite awhile. Everyone had such a good time. I had too good of a time and wound up getting sick for 13 hours afterwards and had the worst hangover of my life. The food was delicious and the drinks were just too darn good!
My father in law bought three brand new bikes for kids and gave them away as a door prize . He also put every child's name into a raffle and prizes were $5 and $10. I cannot even imagine how much this cost him and the generosity of it! My son keeps talking even days later about how nice it was of his grandfather to do this.
Sunday my niece came over and had a sleep over along with my ex and his son. All the kids stayed up late watching movies. My son who is usually scared of his own shadow had a great time. I thought for sure he would be scared and go in his own room at night but he didn't. He was very proud of himself the next day.
Monday my sister kept trying to talk me into going to the N.Y. State Fair with my father, her kids and her. I did not want to go. I still wasn't feeling that good from drinking to much Saturday and had barely slept in days. My niece started crying and said I never wanted to go anywhere with them so I gave in and went even though I didn't want to. It was the last day so admission was $1 for adults and free for kids. Rides were only $1 each as well. 
This sculpture out of butter was one of the neatest things I saw while there. They had lots of neat vendors as well. The best being the one giving out free turkey hill ice cream. 

The coolest exhibit was the Butterfly House. I took a lot of photos while inside the tent. 

The kids really enjoyed the fair. The fair was huge. I found two geocaches while I was there so that made my day!

On our way home on the highway all the sudden my fathers van started going slower and slower and then just quit. We pulled over on the side to try to let it cool down but it just would not start. We had 8 people in the van and being labor day weekend and so late at night (11 pm) there was no rental car places open and the tow truck could not transport anyone under 18 in it. My mother was home but their only other vehicle a PT cruiser would not be able to fit us all. My van is broke down as well and can only go a mile.
Thankfully my father in law has mini van and he let my mother borrow it to come pick us up. Then there were 9 of us crammed in this 7 seating van. I wanted all the kids safe and my father whose had a stroke to be comfortable so my sister and I sat on the floor. Actually I didn't even have room to sit I had to ride an hour home kneeling on the ground between the two seats in the middle row. My niece was over tired and scared and going crazy. It was definitely the worst trip I've ever had to go on lol.

While getting gas in my father in laws van I saw a praying mantis. I have only seen two in my life and the other time ironically was at a gas station many years ago. 

We got home at 2am so my kids slept in and I had to let them stay home from school Tuesday. School just started two weeks ago and they already missed one day now yikes.

I originally wrote this post on personapaper.com on September 9, 2015. The site is shutting down and I never earned any payment. I have transferred this post here on this awesome new blog site and deleted the article on personapaper.

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