Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Found 3 more geocaches today bringing my total to 6 (spoilers!!)

Today I babysat my exes son who is 8. He and I took a walk down to where there is a geocache called In the shadow of the viaduct.  My kids and I searched for it yesterday and could not find it. My brother in law gave me a tip that it was on the guardrail. So today I went back and looked and looked and just as I gave up I spotted it. It wasn't on the actual guard rail. It was on an old guard rail post not connected to the newer guardrail and on the other side of a tree. Boy was I happy to finally find that one to check off the list. It was a small magnetic container with only enough room to fit a few sheets of folded up paper for the log. The log was full and others had signed a receipt so I added my geocache name to the bottom.
We headed back for home and the railroad crew were doing maintenance and I was told that I am really not supposed to walk on the railroad which I knew. I told them that no one is usually out here and he told me that a train had gone by a half hour before. I told him I lived just ahead and would be getting off the tracks a few hundred feet up the line. Honestly the road I live on is very dangerous so it is safer to walk on the tracks where trains only go by twice a day then to walk that deadly road and risk being hit by cars. So I will stick to walking the tracks and just try to avoid them if I see any activity on them.
Once my children got home from school we drove down town and looked for the next geocache called Susquehanna Sojourn. I was wrong about the location so we had to walk a little ways. It wasn't to hard to find. It was a small metal container that opened up and had a log inside to sign. The log was all filled up and I didn't have any more paper with me to put in there. It was so small I don't think I could have fit another paper inside anyway.

The last geocache we had time to look for was called The Rocks. It was about 300 feet from the road inside the bottom of a tree with a stone in front of it. The tree itself looked like a giraffe so my daughter sat on it and we took pictures like she was riding an animal. This geocache was in a really good waterproof container. Everything inside was in clean condition and dry. Most of the caches we have found the contents inside were water damaged. So the end of our geocaching today wound up being our best find for the day.

Here is a video my daughter made of this geocache : 

I originally wrote this post on on May 5, 2015. The site is shutting down and I never earned any payment. I have transferred this post here on this awesome new blog site and deleted the article on personapaper.

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