Monday, March 14, 2016

Disposable Income by Tammy Mal

Disposable Income : A True Story of Sex, Greed and Im-purr-fect murder by Tammy Mal

I saw this on a shelf at the library with a sticker on the side saying Local Author. If this story happened far away I probably wouldn't have bothered to read it but what happened took place about an hour from me in a little town called Factoryville PA back in 1948 .
Charles Homeyer was a con artist. He met women from ads in The Lonely Hearts magazine. He married many women legally and illegally just long enough to drain them of all their money then move on to the next victim. One of his wives Anna Snellman he met while renting her boarding house. He convinced her she no longer liked living in the city and got her to move to the little town of Factoryville Pennsylvania . He isolated her from her friends.
When Charles had no more use for Anna he murdered her and burned her body in a wood stove in the basement. He encase her head in cement in a fake drain he made in the cellar floor.
Anna had a cat that was like a child to her. It was never away from her at any time! When Anna went missing and Charles was supposedly left to take care of the cat it drew suspicions from the local neighbors. Eventually Charles was arrested and was put to death on the electric chair in 1953.
This book is 176 pages. I have read 23 books so far in 2015.

I originally wrote this post on on May 21, 2015. The site is shutting down and I never earned any payment. I have transferred this post here on this awesome new blog site and deleted the article on personapaper.

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