Friday, March 18, 2016

Confessions of a Mediocre Widow by Catherine Tidd (spoilers)

My reading goal for this year is to read 40 books. As of today I am on Book 6. Last night I finished Book 5 which was Confessions of a Mediocre Widow Or, How I Lost My Husband and My Sanity  by Catherine Tidd .
I am so glad that I finally got to read this book. Our local library borrowed it for me from a library a few hours away. This is by far one of the best books I have read in the past few years. I'm not sure if others would find it as good as I did unless they are also widows. I think what makes it even better was that the author was so down to earth, honest about her feelings and her feelings were so similar to what I feel. So many things that happened to the author in the book are what I have gone through as well.
The section I related to the most was about dating. I just broke up recently with my boyfriend and I felt like when she dated Mark and broke up with him she knew exactly how I was feeling. There were a lot of great things in this book that make for excellent quotes. I posted a few on facebook.
I have read quite a few books that widows have wrote about their experiences but this one spoke to me the most. My heart ached as I read it but felt good at the same time if that even makes sense to anyone. Its just nice to know that I am not the only one who feels the way I do after what I've been through.
If you are a young widow and interested in reading non-fiction books about widowhood then be sure to check out this book I think you will enjoy it.

I originally wrote this post on on January 19, 2015. The site is shutting down and I never earned any payment. I have transferred this post here on this awesome new blog site and deleted the article on personapaper.

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