Monday, March 7, 2016

Found 5 geocaches yesterday bringing our total to 30! (spoilers!!!)

My kids and I had a great day out yesterday. It started with a free lego building event at Toys R Us . The kids got to build a Jurassic World gate and take it home. My kids had some money they could spend so each bought a little something and were very excited.
It was supposed to be really crummy weather so we decided to find some quick easy geocaches in the area before it started to rain. We managed to find which brought our total to 30 !
The first geocache we did was called Baseball Anyone? It was down a little trail between Toys R Us and a baseball field. The coordinates were off by about 40 feet so this might have taken us a really long time to find it had my daughter not spotted it stuck between two trees as we were walking past.

The second geocache called Calvary Cemetery was in a cemetery across the street from Toys R Us. This is a beautiful cemetery I had always wanted to visit. Due to the hint we were able to find this cache really quickly. The hint said it was 4 feet off the ground and I guessed correctly it was in the middle of a tree with many trunks. Unfortunately the medicine bottle had a hole in the bottom so the log was very wet.
The third geocache  called High Storage was located in the parking lot of CVS . As we pulled in my son said his head was hurting. I think although I gave him motion sickness medicine before we left that he had a touch of motion sickness from all the stopping and starting going to different locations. We went in CVS and I bought him some dye free children's Advil. Then we went out and looked for the geocache. The hint was great and I spotted the key holder up high on a storage unit . My daughter jumped up to grab it as it was above our heads.
The fourth geocache called Follow the Rocky Path was in the parking lot at the local shopping mall . The coordinates were off by about 30 feet. We were going to give up when my son spotted it along the pavement under a rock . It was key holder . My son was so happy to find this as it was the first one he has found on his own. We went and shopping in the mall for a few minutes and when we came out we saw someone else was in the location finding that geocache. I told him that we had just found it as well and he said that the coordinates were off which I agreed!

The last geocache was one that I chose because of its name. The name of the cache was Ethel's Place . Ethel was my grandmother's name . I knew that this cache was located at a park . When I arrived I saw that this was also the name of the short dead end street . The park consisted of a basketball court, a pavilion with a picnic table under it, an old see saw and two old rocking toys. It looked very much like the parks I grew up playing in. Very outdated. It was the first time in many many years that I had ridden on a see saw. The cache was a key chain attached to the fence.
After our fun geocaching I took my children to Barnes and Noble to exchange their reading logs for a free book . I told them if they behaved at Walmart that we could go to Chuck E Cheese and so we did. Our last stop of the night was a quick visit to Kmart where I had $7 off any $7 purchase so I let them each buy something for $4 and then I paid the difference. We had a great day out but I was exhausted when we got home. My kids didn't get in bed until about 10 pm.

I originally wrote this post on on June 21, 2015. The site is shutting down and I never earned any payment. I have transferred this post here on this awesome new blog site and deleted the article on personapaper.

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