Sunday, March 6, 2016

Awesome geocache near a stone carving of George Washington's face (spoilers!!!)

Yesterday (Sunday) I asked my brother in law if he wanted to go geocaching with my children and I. His son didn't want to go so he brought a long a friend and his exes daughter who is in the same grade as my daughter. Before they showed up my daughter was crying that she didn't want to go. Having her friend go sure made my daughters mood chance fast for the better!
Years ago I had read about a huge stone that in 1921 was carved by a man to look like the face of George Washington . There happened to be a geocache dedicated to that so that is what I chose for us to find. It is called  The Stone Visage and Beyond was located on stillwater cliffs in Forest City PA .
The app told us where to park but it should have been put at a different location down the road as we wound up walking in a huge U shape for a lot longer then it had to be. If we had parked down the road we could have just walked straight down the trail a little way and gone to where the trail lead off up a hill to the stone face.
The geocache was a plastic container filled with little trinkets. It was hidden under a huge rock up the hill a short ways from the stone face . There were a few rocks placed in front of it to make it a little harder to find.
There was also supposed to be a letterbox hidden near this but all of us searched for it for quite awhile and finally had to give up :(
As we were leaving the trail to head back to our vehicle I found a turkey sitting on her nest. When my son got close she ran off and we got to see all of her eggs. It was very neat.

We headed back home and on the way we stopped at a little ice cream shop called Rooney's and my brother in laws friend bought everyone ice cream. It was delicious!
Finishing up a great day I had to babysit my niece and nephew from 5-9 pm. My son said a few times what a great day it had been! I love to hear that!

I originally wrote this post on on May 25, 2015. The site is shutting down and I never earned any payment. I have transferred this post here on this awesome new blog site and deleted the article on personapaper.

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