Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Found 2 more geocaches bringing my total to 8 (spoilers!!)

Yesterday after school I took my kids and my niece out geocaching locally. We looked two different places but could only find one.
The one that was called spic and span. It was a small tube like container hidden in a tree in a cemetery near the geocache creators grandparents grave. It had a log rolled up in it and a very small pencil. Unfortunately the log was all wet and mildew smelling so we just replaced it without signing it. To me its more important that I log my finds online on the geocaching site then signing the actual log inside the caches.
Today while my kids were at school I went somewhere with my sister and while we were waiting for time to pass I looked on the app to see if there were any geocaches nearby. There was one .28 of a mile from where we were so we put my nephew in a stroller and went for a short walk to find it. The app for once was dead on! It told us exactly where it was located and after searching around I found the key holder magnet stuck to the underside of a part on the bridge. The log was small and full and I didn't have any fresh paper on me so another one I did not sign but logged online. This cache is called Gronkle in honor of the How to train your dragon movie with a big green dragon.
After my kids got home from school we went looking for another one in the area but couldn't find that one either. I think that one might be gone for good as I found the top to it but nothing else. I will go back tomorrow and look again if the weather is nice. I'm a bit sunburned from today.

I originally wrote this post on on May 7, 2015. The site is shutting down and I never earned any payment. I have transferred this post here on this awesome new blog site and deleted the article on personapaper.

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