Thursday, March 31, 2016

Field Days at my children's school today

Today was the last full day of school it was also field days . It was supposed to be held yesterday but due to bad weather it was postponed until today. I got my kids off to school around 8 am. I took a shower, got dressed, did my makeup and made my coffee. Once I had my bag packed up I walked to the school.
I found my son's class first doing a water game. My son and one other little girl were the only two in the whole grade who wouldn't do it as they did not want to get wet. Next they did potato sack races . My son was nervous and crying and refused to do it. After a few kids went he got laughing and ran to join them. He had fun after all!
Every hour I switched from being with my son to being with my daughter. I actually wound up getting to half of lunch time with my daughter and half with my son so I'd say it worked out well. Every student got a t-shirt that was color coded for their grade. My sons first grade classmates all had columbia blue shirts and my daughters 5th grade classmates all had royal blue shirts.

I got to watch my daughter do a scooter relay and watched my son play tug of war and go in the bounce house 

My son is really fast and did awesome at Team Flag Tag . My daughter pretty much didn't like any of the events had fun goofing around with one of her friends.
I missed out on watching them play volleyball kickball water balloons and target toss but I'd say I got to see them do enough. I took lots of videos and pictures. I added a picture of my son with his face painted.

I originally wrote this post on on June 2, 2015. The site is shutting down and I never earned any payment. I have transferred this post here on this awesome new blog site and deleted the article on personapaper.

Student Awards Assembly 2015

Today was the Student Awards Assembly at the school where my children attend. I missed this last year so I was thankful when my sister reminded me about it this morning. It was at 8:45 am. Parents were welcome to attend but I don't think many knew about it as there were only a few others present.
I am so proud of my kids. My daughter does all her work on her own. Her grades dropped a lot due to her needing glasses and not telling the teachers that she couldn't see the board. However she was able to make honor roll. I never made above merit roll and I only made that once in seventh grade.
My daughter won one award and my son won four . My son was so cute when he won he would turn to where I was sitting and throw his hands in the air with excitement. I added a photo of him with the principle receiving a reward. When he went back to his seat he held up his award for me to see and posed for a picture before sitting back down.

I never received an award when I was young at the awards assembly. I was always afraid that somehow I would be called and I would be embarrassed having to stand up in front of everyone. My children did not have this problem they were very excited.
After the awards assembly I went home and the children got off the bus at noon. I ran to the library to return some items, pay off fines and pick up some new DVDS and books. I stopped at the liquor store and grabbed a box of wine as I have been out for a few months.
The kids and I watched the Annie movie and then I took my son to play at the school. While my daughter was in the shower my son was clipping weeds with garden sheers or whatever they are called and snipped the skin on his finger. Thankfully it wasn't too bad so I held a cloth on it until it stopped bleeding and then wrapped a band-aid around it.

I originally wrote this post on on June 4, 2015. The site is shutting down and I never earned any payment. I have transferred this post here on this awesome new blog site and deleted the article on personapaper.

My daughters 11th birthday and a mother and daughter day out

Yesterday my daughter turned 11. I set the alarm for 6:30 so she would be sure to be up in time to open her presents from me before she went to school. She loved the things I got her!
I always feel my kids are lucky because they get to have a birthday during the school year where as mine was in August so I never got to go to school on my birthday. I sent in prepackaged rice krispy treats for her and her classmates.
After my children got home from school we went to my parents house so she could open presents from my sister and my parents. 

As the birthday girl my daughter got to choose where she wanted to go to eat. She chose old country buffet. It was Thursday which is kids night so it was only $1.99 for each of my children to eat. What makes kids night even more special is a fun menu including hot dogs and grilled cheese as well as cotton candy. They even had a magician who walked around to show a few tricks to eat table with children. He was a bit corny and seemed a bit quiet and shy but my kids enjoyed his tricks.

My sister and her children along with my parents met us at Chuck E. Cheese's after dinner so all the kids could play and celebrate. We go fairly often to Chuck E. Cheese's so I make my children save up their tickets all year rather then spend them on really dumb little prizes each time we go. They are allowed to spend all their tickets on their birthday that they have accumulated over the year. My daughter had about 1600 tickets. She complained that I had not brought her enough this year as she usually gets around 10,000 tickets. She was able to pick out a really nice prize though a Glee electronic diary.

Today was my daughters class trip at school to Gettysburg but she did not want to go. She thought getting up to be at the school by 5 am would be awful and seeing the cemetery and going to a museum would be really boring. I agree to be honest that at her age she probably would have been bored by it all. So I let her stay home from school and we went out and had a mother and daughter day out. We went shopping and went to lunch at a Chinese restaurant called the Royal Buffet. 

I originally wrote this post on on May 22, 2015. The site is shutting down and I never earned any payment. I have transferred this post here on this awesome new blog site and deleted the article on personapaper.

Summer vacation is over

Today my children went back to school Summer vacation is over. I am really bummed about it.

Yesterday my kids and I tagged along with my sister and her kids for a fun day out since my van isn't running well enough to drive. The kids ate at Old Country Buffet . I hate the food so I didn't eat anything. Afterwards we went to Chuck E Cheese . We stopped at Walmart and I got some much needed groceries before heading towards home where we stopped along the way for some ice cream .
My daughter entered sixth grade today and my son entered second grade .

I was so sad about them going back to school and was so nervous today that they would hate it. They both had a good day. My son loved getting to see his friends again! My daughter was bored and said school is more challenging and stressful this year.
I missed them very much while they were at school. I was so relieved when they got home and I could hug them and see that they were okay. I had some pretty bad anxiety for at least an hour after they got home. I made them their favorite foods for dinner. My son got spiedies and my daughter got fettuccine alfredo .
I spent my day while they were at school off by laying down and reading for an hour followed by an hour nap. The rest of the day I spent doing housework and catching up on crowdtap.
I added a photo to this article of the construction they have been doing on the high school this week.

I originally wrote this post on on August 25, 2015. The site is shutting down and I never earned any payment. I have transferred this post here on this awesome new blog site and deleted the article on personapaper.

Friday was the last day of school

Friday (yesterday) was the last day of school for my children. My daughter will be a 6th grader next year and my son will be a 2nd grader. They went to school for two hours and watched a movie. They came home at 10 am.
I had planned once my children got home and were fed to take them to the movies. My friends father in law was unexpectedly very sick and in the hospital so I told her I would give her a ride up to be with him and her husband who was with him. About a half hour before the kids and I went to pick her up she texted me that her father in law had just passed. It was such terrible news. I feel so sad for their family.
The movie didn't start until 2:15. In the same plaza as Cinema Saver is a book store called the Book Vault . Every time we have been there it was closed. Today it was open so we browsed inside. We came out empty handed but it was neat to get to check it out finally. He had a nice cat that was on the counter that my children enjoyed petting.
The movie my children chose to watch was Home . The previews we had watched looked cute so I was excited to see it as well as the kids. It was a really cute movie. We had a lot of laughs watching it. I added a photo of my children posing in front of the movie poster before the movie started.

We made a quick stop at Barnes and Noble and then got a bunch of groceries at Walmart. 
The last bit of fun we had for the day was a visit to Chuck E. Cheese's . I had the kids report cards with me so each got 10 tokens for that. I also had a reading log that the kids had filled out in May and each got 5 tokens for that. We don't usually eat at Chuck E. Cheese's but since it was a special occasion we ordered a pizza. I had a $2 off coupon for a large pizza so it came to $11.87. We ordered a plain thin crust. Anywhere else the size of that would be about a half sheet. My kids didn't really care for the pizza.

I originally wrote this post on on June 6, 2015. The site is shutting down and I never earned any payment. I have transferred this post here on this awesome new blog site and deleted the article on personapaper.

How we celebrated my niece's 11th birthday

Yesterday my niece turned 11. Once I got my tired self up and around my kids and I took a present over to her.

My son stayed to play at my sisters house for awhile with her little son and my daughter and I came home to start watching the Harry Potty and the Sorcerers Stone movie. We didn't get very far into it before we had to leave.
Since my van can't drive more then a few miles without over heating my kids I had to ride up with my parents and my sister had to ride up in another vehicle. They all ate at a pizza restaurant but my kids hate the pizza there so we went to McDonald's instead. While we were at the pizza restaurant called Nirchi's my son and I went out again looking for a geocache nearby called Nano by Nirchis.  We had tried two other times to find this with no luck. I have a different cell phone with a more accurate gps on it and we finally found this nano geocache. We have found a total of 63 now!
For my nieces birthday what she wanted to do most was to go roller skating . So we went to Skate Estate . It was my kids first time being there. My daughter loved it but my son was embarrassed and fell and just was miserable after that. I loved the place my only complaint was how bed the skates we borrowed smelled. I was so nauseated from it and the thought of my kids wearing them.

We went to Chuck E. Cheese's so the kids could all play for awhile. Before heading home we went to Walmart and I was able to get stocked up on some much needed groceries.
After we got home we had some chocolate cake and ice cream. My kids were exhausted and actually asked to go home and go to bed.

I originally wrote this post on on September 13, 2015. The site is shutting down and I never earned any payment. I have transferred this post here on this awesome new blog site and deleted the article on personapaper.

Kopernik Observatory event was so boring

Kopernik Observatory & Science Center was hosting an event on Saturday ( June 26, 2015) called $25K Celebration & Family Science Day . Since it looked fun, was free and was somewhere I had never been before I decided to take my kids. My ex hurt his back so he was home from work and I invited he and his son to go with us.
The first thing was watching a $25,000 check being presented to Kopernik from the State Farm Neighborhood Assist Grant . The grant is going to go towards a science park they are building.
The only fun thing about this event was that each child got a free ice cream sandwich from Wolfie's .
Each child got to make a bouncy ball with dye, borax, corn starch and glue. I think those were all the ingredients there might have been one more though. Anyway it didn't work very well and our balls didn't really bounce and when left to dry they flattened and weren't even ball shape anymore. I get a kick out of this picture of my son. He hates anything gooey. 

They had a table set up for you to fold paper and make paper airplanes . One thing that we were looking forward to was a teddy bear zip line . We were actually shocked at how lame it turned out to be. It was just string taped to one wall and then taped to the floor at a slant. A tiny stuffed animal with a paper clip around its middle with a rubber band would be pushed down the line.
I can pretty much make the most of any event but this really was just awful. They really could have put a lot more planning into it. As it was now I would never bother to go to any event in the future that they charge admission for because I would worry it would be a waste of time and money.
There was a geocache located on the pavilion called Kopernik but we could not find it and I had to eventually give up. 

Worst of all while searching my exes son got stung on the head by wasps .

Since we were all so disappointed with the event we took the kids to Chuck E Cheese to play for awhile and they had a great time there as always!

I originally wrote this post on on June 28, 2015. The site is shutting down and I never earned any payment. I have transferred this post here on this awesome new blog site and deleted the article on personapaper.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

My birthday weekend

Friday August 21, 2015 my ex and I took our kids and went to hike Watkins Glen State Park . It was $8 to get in and the pool area was free. It was the first time my kids and I had ever been there. I would have liked to take things slower and view more trails but the kids were tired and my son wasn't feeling well and my exes son wanted to go swimming.

We stopped and walked along the street of antique shops and then had dinner at Crooked Rooster Brewpub. We got to sit at a table in a room with a giant brewing system which was pretty cool but my kids and I hated the food. My children got pasta but it was barely done so it was hard and chewy. I got a Margarita pizza and my ex got a Goat Cheese Pizza . I hated mine and had a slice of his pizza and hated that as well. The pizza's were $10 and I really didn't expect they were going to be as small as they were. They were what I would consider personal pizzas. You could not even pay me to eat there again that is how much I hated their food.
Saturday the 22nd was my 32nd birthday . My family bought a pizza and a cake and had my kids and I over for a little get together.

They bought me some really neat gifts as well. My daughter spent the night at my sisters house and my son was to scared to sleep upstairs so he slept on the couch next to me until I went to bed.

I originally wrote this post on on August 28, 2015. The site is shutting down and I never earned any payment. I have transferred this post here on this awesome new blog site and deleted the article on personapaper.

My daughters 11th birthday at the YMCA

Saturday May 30th was my daughters 11th birthday party. She chose to have her party at the YMCA again this year. It was from 2-4 pm. I had a lot to set up so I had to leave two hours ahead of time. I picked up two of my daughters friends along the way as well as my friend and her daughter who were guests and helped me set up for the party and clean up after.

We got to the YMCA at 1 pm. A woman come out and rudely told us that the party did not start until 2 pm and they had everything already set up. I told them that I had asked them to have things ready an hour ahead but that I had a lot to do myself. They put us in a room across the lobby. They could see everything that went on so at one point when one of the kids stood on a chair a foot from the ground they came in and asked her to get down. My son had gotten into his swim trunks at home and while I remembered to bring his shorts I forgot his shirt . My sister told me that while I was in the swim area with the kids after my son got out they were telling him that he needed to put a shirt on and he was upset because he didn't have one to put on. He is a nervous child and I'm lucky that didn't ruin the whole day for him.
The tables were so small as they are used for the toddlers in day care. I told them that the tables were way to low for 11 year olds and asked to have them raised. The one lady wasn't sure if they could be raised but I told her I knew from the previous year that they could. She went and got the lady in charge who came and in said that they can be raised but its impossible. I just told her that they needed to be done. I felt like they everything we did was viewed as an inconvenience to them but when spending $230 for a two hour party I did not care what they thought!
The first 50 minutes of the party was pool time. The kids had a blast and did not want to get out when it was done. The room was so unbearably humid though that I was dizzy and my eyes burned from the chlorine. My sons friend actually felt so sick from it that he had to leave the pool area and go sit in the party room where it was cooler. All the parents pretty much got up and left the pool area as well. I have taken my kids there for years and this was the worst I had ever felt it. The window on the door was all fogged up. I'm not sure if guests would come back next year for the party as bad as the experience in that room was this year. My exes son dived in the 6 foot area and got a 5 minute time out of the pool. While I felt he should have been given a warning first I guess I should look on the plus side and at least he wasn't banned from the pool the rest of the party.
The last 70 minutes of the party was food, cake and presents. I had made a bunch of food myself. Each party they provide 3 round pizzas as well as a hi-c for each child and a gallon of water. They also provide forks, plates, tablecloths and cups. My daughter wanted the so-so happy theme so I had bought some decorations as you can see on her cake in the photo I added. I forgot to bring gel icing to write her name on the cake . There is always something that I forget.

Her friends know her so well and you could see that as she was opening her gifts. I love to see the happiness on her friends faces as she opened her presents and how proud they were of getting her things they knew she would love.
We had 20 children at the party. The birthday girl was given a YMCA drawstring bag and each child was sent home with a small goody bag.
As I was paying off the balance on the party the woman in charge tried to bill me for 7 pizzas instead of 6. I said that I ordered 6 and that is what we got. I told her that the empty boxes were in the classroom and pointed through the glass at them and told her the other 2 with pizza left were in the van and she could go check. She looked again at the paper and said it was her mistake that it had been a lot of parties that day. I would have liked to hear an I'm sorry instead!
We got the room dissembled, the van packed up and loaded the kids in. I dropped everyone off at their houses and headed home to unload. My ex dropped by right then and helped me carry the things in. His son and my son went out to play in the yard and apparently somewhere on the hill he fell in poop . He washed his hands at the sink but also had wiped his hands on his clothes originally thinking it was mud. I do not have a dog so must be the neighbors pooped in our yard again. There was poop all over the kitchen sink handles and sink. It took me hours to get the smell off everything having to use straight bleach when nothing else worked. I was really glad at that point that I had sent my ex to the store to get a drink for me. I got to unwind with Redds Strawberry Ale . It was delicious!

I originally wrote this post on on June 1, 2015. The site is shutting down and I never earned any payment. I have transferred this post here on this awesome new blog site and deleted the article on personapaper.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

My Crazy Labor Day Weekend

Saturday was my father in laws annual labor day / end of summer party . This was the 12th year they have had it. It seems crazy realizing how much time has passed. I remember one year my daughter and her cousin who was a month younger sleeping in a pack and play together there. Another year I was pregnant with my son and had him a few weeks later. After 2011 when my husband died I had to start going alone. What a painful time I've had with this every year. I remember crying and being just crazy wild the first year I had to go after his death. Its strange how grief can effect you so different at different stages.
This year a good friend of mine Jennifer and her daughter went with me to the party for a little while. My ex and his son met me there a few hours later. I got to see a few people I haven't seen in quite awhile. Everyone had such a good time. I had too good of a time and wound up getting sick for 13 hours afterwards and had the worst hangover of my life. The food was delicious and the drinks were just too darn good!
My father in law bought three brand new bikes for kids and gave them away as a door prize . He also put every child's name into a raffle and prizes were $5 and $10. I cannot even imagine how much this cost him and the generosity of it! My son keeps talking even days later about how nice it was of his grandfather to do this.
Sunday my niece came over and had a sleep over along with my ex and his son. All the kids stayed up late watching movies. My son who is usually scared of his own shadow had a great time. I thought for sure he would be scared and go in his own room at night but he didn't. He was very proud of himself the next day.
Monday my sister kept trying to talk me into going to the N.Y. State Fair with my father, her kids and her. I did not want to go. I still wasn't feeling that good from drinking to much Saturday and had barely slept in days. My niece started crying and said I never wanted to go anywhere with them so I gave in and went even though I didn't want to. It was the last day so admission was $1 for adults and free for kids. Rides were only $1 each as well. 
This sculpture out of butter was one of the neatest things I saw while there. They had lots of neat vendors as well. The best being the one giving out free turkey hill ice cream. 

The coolest exhibit was the Butterfly House. I took a lot of photos while inside the tent. 

The kids really enjoyed the fair. The fair was huge. I found two geocaches while I was there so that made my day!

On our way home on the highway all the sudden my fathers van started going slower and slower and then just quit. We pulled over on the side to try to let it cool down but it just would not start. We had 8 people in the van and being labor day weekend and so late at night (11 pm) there was no rental car places open and the tow truck could not transport anyone under 18 in it. My mother was home but their only other vehicle a PT cruiser would not be able to fit us all. My van is broke down as well and can only go a mile.
Thankfully my father in law has mini van and he let my mother borrow it to come pick us up. Then there were 9 of us crammed in this 7 seating van. I wanted all the kids safe and my father whose had a stroke to be comfortable so my sister and I sat on the floor. Actually I didn't even have room to sit I had to ride an hour home kneeling on the ground between the two seats in the middle row. My niece was over tired and scared and going crazy. It was definitely the worst trip I've ever had to go on lol.

While getting gas in my father in laws van I saw a praying mantis. I have only seen two in my life and the other time ironically was at a gas station many years ago. 

We got home at 2am so my kids slept in and I had to let them stay home from school Tuesday. School just started two weeks ago and they already missed one day now yikes.

I originally wrote this post on on September 9, 2015. The site is shutting down and I never earned any payment. I have transferred this post here on this awesome new blog site and deleted the article on personapaper.

Testing out Filippo Berio Delicato Olive Oil

As a member of an awesome site called Influenster I received these products complimentary for testing purposes. This is what I received in my Filippo Berio Mailer Custom VoxBox. 

To receive points towards the Bonus badge I created the following unboxing video on youtube. 

I had a hard time finding the new Robusto and Delicato flavors at the stores I went to. I thought for sure Wal-mart or Wegmans would have it but they didn't. I finally found it at a little hometown store called Rob's Market. I really wanted to try the Robusto but I was nervous that it would be a bit strong for my daughters tastes so I used my coupon to get a free bottle of Delicato

I looked on pinterest for a recipe to test this Olive Oil out on. I chose a recipe called Pizzeria Style Cheesy Breadsticks that you can find at Serena Bakes Simply From Scratch

I divided the dough in half and spread it in the pan and when it baked it baked apart a bit. That was my mistake. This turned out amazing. The dough was so light and airy. It took a long time to make this from start to finish but it was totally worth it. 

The second test I did was to make this in a recipe that I use often to see the difference in my usual brand of olive oil and Filippo Berio. 

So I made a batch of my daughters favorite breadsticks. It turned out amazing. I didn't really notice a difference in taste though from our usual brand. 

Friday, March 18, 2016

My sons shark themed birthday party at the YMCA

Saturday October 24 was my son's 8th birthday party . He chose a YMCA pool party this year. It was a really busy weekend for fun things to do so I wasn't expecting a very big turn out. There were 15 children including my own two.

For his theme this year he chose sharks . I didn't get out to get much and I was prostrating really badly so I wound up throwing everything together in two days. I had a lot of really cool ideas but could only get just so much accomplished with what I had and in such short time.
I think my favorite part of the theme was a tackle box filled with gummy worms, goldfish, Swedish fish, chips etc. 

We had sea water...

and sand pudding

The woman who was in charge of our party set up was very rude. They put us in a classroom that is used for day care so it is literally full of toys. Then she expected all the kids to not touch anything. My daughter tossed a bean bag pillow in the air and she told her not to do that as there is to many fragile things. THIS is a day care classroom there was literally NOTHING fragile in reach.
There was literally one toy on the floor and she picked it up and said we have to keep it picked up. I told her there was some real little kids coming so it would be hard and we would put it all back when we were done. I did good to the only thing I forgot to put back was the train table to its original position. I was so disgusted with the way this lady treated us.
The party itself was $230 . I paid plenty for the kids to have a good time and not be treated so rudely. If they do not want anything in the classroom being played with during a party then they should put us somewhere else like one of the gyms where there is nothing the kids could have gotten into.
Everything went great expect at the very end my 3 year old nephew choked on a gummy shark that was on top of the cupcakes and got sick. 

I originally wrote this post on on October 27, 2015. The site is shutting down and I never earned any payment. I have transferred this post here on this awesome new blog site and deleted the article on personapaper.

Confessions of a Mediocre Widow by Catherine Tidd (spoilers)

My reading goal for this year is to read 40 books. As of today I am on Book 6. Last night I finished Book 5 which was Confessions of a Mediocre Widow Or, How I Lost My Husband and My Sanity  by Catherine Tidd .
I am so glad that I finally got to read this book. Our local library borrowed it for me from a library a few hours away. This is by far one of the best books I have read in the past few years. I'm not sure if others would find it as good as I did unless they are also widows. I think what makes it even better was that the author was so down to earth, honest about her feelings and her feelings were so similar to what I feel. So many things that happened to the author in the book are what I have gone through as well.
The section I related to the most was about dating. I just broke up recently with my boyfriend and I felt like when she dated Mark and broke up with him she knew exactly how I was feeling. There were a lot of great things in this book that make for excellent quotes. I posted a few on facebook.
I have read quite a few books that widows have wrote about their experiences but this one spoke to me the most. My heart ached as I read it but felt good at the same time if that even makes sense to anyone. Its just nice to know that I am not the only one who feels the way I do after what I've been through.
If you are a young widow and interested in reading non-fiction books about widowhood then be sure to check out this book I think you will enjoy it.

I originally wrote this post on on January 19, 2015. The site is shutting down and I never earned any payment. I have transferred this post here on this awesome new blog site and deleted the article on personapaper.

Fun Smiley360 mission for InkJoy Pens

As a member on Smiley360 I get to test out products for free and share my opinions about them. One of the missions I am doing right now is for InkJoy pens. In my kit I received a package of InkJoy 300 RT Pens in assorted colors. I also got a $5 Walmart gift card to pick out more InkJoy pens. My daughter got the final choice and she chose the Inkjoy 300 RT Retro pens in assorted colors.

This has been a fun mission for my kids and I. My kids love them except for my son wishes there was a brown in the sets.
I love the way these write on paper but they do not write well on all paper types such as shiny printed things. They also smear. They are comfortable to write with. I love the different colors but feel most don't write as dark as I would like them to. I love the design on the Retro pens. When they are brand new they have a little tip seal that you have to take off. At first I was like what in the world when I tried to write but my 10 year old daughter showed me that you have to take the tip off. It also explains that on the back of the package.

I originally wrote this post on on January 23, 2015. The site is shutting down and I never earned any payment. I have transferred this post here on this awesome new blog site and deleted the article on personapaper.

Emergen-C mission from Smiley360

I am a member of Smiley360. I have been a member for a few years and have recently become more active. I am glad that I did I love getting these missions. for the Emergen-C mission I received for free 5 different flavors of Emergen-C drink mix and 5 coupons to share with friends. My daughter has been sick so I haven't been out to give any of the coupons out. I will have to post on the local facebook sites to see if anyone would like them.
This year I have been trying to stick to my goal of eating healthier so this was a great mission for me. I felt by drinking one of these Emergen-C drink mixes I was getting the extra nutrients my body needs. I would have preferred if they had caffeine in them but they don't. I love the slight fizz that they have in them. I think it is the perfect amount.
4 of the drink mixes are to be drank with cold water. One the Berry Medley was to be drank in warm water. It was so gross. I thought maybe if I let it chill then tried it that it would taste better but it didn't. I could only take a sip when it was warm and a sip when it was cold to try it and could not get down any more then that. I dumped it down the sink.
The thing that I was most impressed with is that none of these have dye's added to them. Even the ones that were red colored did not have red 40. The strawberry-kiwi for instance had Beet juice for color. That made me feel very good about this products! These are also very easy to open and not messy. They would be great for on the go even!
Strawberry - Kiwi was the most delicious. I could drink that everyday! Coconut - Pineapple was okay. The Citrus was gross as well as the Super Orange but as I said above the Berry Medley was the worst!

I originally wrote this post on on January 28, 2015. The site is shutting down and I never earned any payment. I have transferred this post here on this awesome new blog site and deleted the article on personapaper.

My review of Vicks Filter Free Mini Cool Mist Humidifier

I am a member of a site called Influenster where I receive free products for testing purposes. My latest product to test out was the Vicks Filter Free Mini Cool Mist Humidifier.
This came at the perfect time during flu season. Every where I go I see people with these in their carts and I got to get one for free how awesome! My daughter was sick at the ER and they recommended that I get a humidifier for her but I knew one was on its way from Influenster and a day later it arrived at my door.
Years ago I had a very old humidifier that was my grandparents and was here when I moved in. It made the ceiling in my bedroom all wet and leaked water and soaked the cushioned bench it was on and ruined the stain on the wood. Because of that experience I was a little nervous about using this new one from Influenster.
I worried for nothing! This worked beautifully. Its small enough that even filled with water it was not heavy to transport from the downstairs to the upstairs bedroom. Being so small though it ran out of water quickly if left on high.
Our upstairs is like a sauna its so hot and so little moisture. My daughter coughed so much less while she was sick when this was being used in the room while she slept. It came with VapoPads. It had a very light smell of menthol to the room without it being too much. I was disappointed they are only one time use each pad though and can only be used for 8 hours.

I originally wrote this post on on February 9, 2015. The site is shutting down and I never earned any payment. I have transferred this post here on this awesome new blog site and deleted the article on personapaper.