Wednesday, April 6, 2016

This week has not gone as I had planned

I had intended on Monday to get the first coat of Polyurethane on my daughters floor that I had sanded and stained. I opened the can that hadn't been used in years since my husband was alive and used it last. The lid was all dented up and not closed properly. The polyurethane was hardened solid :(

My daughter has been out of school for 5 days sick. I took her to the doctor on Tuesday and the doctor said he thought she has a sinus infection. Her temperature was at 102 but not much else symptoms besides a light phlegmy cough. It's Friday now and with her cough the way it is I'm not really sure she has a sinus infection. She has felt awful so I kept her home all week and gave her the antibiotic she was prescribed. I am hoping that she will feel better this weekend and be well enough to go back on Monday.
Yesterday I nearly got done washing down my kitchen ceiling but am just about out of dish soap. My dishes need to be washed more importantly then the ceiling so that's going to have to wait to get done.
Hopefully the kids and I can get out shopping tomorrow. I need to pick up some fresh polyurethane, paint thinner and dish soap among other things.

I originally wrote this post on on January 23, 2015. The site is shutting down and I never earned any payment. I have transferred this post here on this awesome new blog site and deleted the article on personapaper.

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