Wednesday, April 6, 2016

My daughters first dance at school

Friday around noon my son come home from school with a fever so we decided to stay home this weekend so he could rest. He is still running an almost 103 fever. It comes down with Ibuprofin but goes back up when it wears off. I assume it is a sinus infection based on other symptoms he has. If he is not better by Monday I will take him to the doctor so he will be excused from school. Today we just cuddled on the couch mostly.
My daughter who is in 5th grade is off to her very first school dance. It is being held in the high school for students 5th - 8th grade. Makes me kind of nervous her being there with those older kids. Her friend called her yesterday asking her if she was going and she has been very excited since then.
The dance is from 6-9. They get a bottle of water and a piece of pizza with the $5 they pay to get in.
4 years ago on this day I was at the hospital all day with my husband while he was dying. This is a very difficult weekend for me so the anxiety is worse then usual. I am glad that my daughter is out having a good time! I did not tell my children that this was the anniversary weekend of their fathers death.
I attached a photo of my daughters hair before the dance. I quick did it in about 5 minutes. She never lets me do her hair so I was happy and surprised.

I originally wrote this post on on March 21, 2015. The site is shutting down and I never earned any payment. I have transferred this post here on this awesome new blog site and deleted the article on personapaper.

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