Wednesday, April 6, 2016

My friend's baby shower

Today was my friend Stephanie's baby shower. I have been looking forward to this for quite some time. Since I was so excited for it you think I would have gotten things ready ahead of time but nope I waited until the last minute and spent over 9 hours straight last night finishing a diaper cake that I was making for her. I had worked on it for 3 hours the night before making it a total of 12 hours it took me to do it all. As soon as it was done I showered and went to bed.

I attached a picture of the diaper cake that I made her. I had to make all the flowers out of tissue paper and hot glue them to toothpicks to stick down in the diapers. There was a lot of tape used to create this diaper cake. I do not think I will ever want to make another one as time consuming as it was but I am really with how it turned out. I also gave her three little outfits.
There was a good amount of food at her shower. A gorgeous cake being the biggest attraction. 

They also had pizza, chips, tuna fish sandwiches, and two different kinds of egg salad sandwiches. They had a separate table set up for soda, lemonade and coffee. I was excited when I saw the egg salad sandwiches. I love them and hardly ever have them as I am the only one in my house who eats them I don't bother to make them just for me.
After leaving the shower at 2:30 I have been babysitting my niece and nephew. I will be watching them until my children go to bed at 7:30. I'm exhausted. I can't wait to just sit and relax and read a book later.

I originally wrote this post on on February 28, 2015. The site is shutting down and I never earned any payment. I have transferred this post here on this awesome new blog site and deleted the article on personapaper.


  1. Hello
    thanks so much for lovely images and a very entertaining post, really enjoyed reading.

  2. Thank you for reading roamy roamy! I have never received a comment on any of my blog posts before. You are the first to leave one. How exciting for me!
