Wednesday, April 6, 2016

My son's First grade class trip

Yesterday was my son's first grade class trip. My son wouldn't go on the class trip without me he was to scared so thankfully there was space available and I was approved to be a chaperon. I had my son in my group, my friends son, and two sweet little girls. I had such a great group of kids. The boys are really good friends and are so funny together. I took lots of photos and the boys made really silly faces in pretty much all of them.
The first part of the field trip was a Junie B. Jones play. My sister had gone years ago with her children and said how boring and awful the play was so I was really dreading going. I don't know if it was the exact same production or not but I liked it. It was really funny and the props were amazing. This is a photo of the stage before the actors came on and the notebook was opened.

The second part of the field trip was the best part. A visit to Chuck E. Cheese's. Each kid got 16 tokens and a drink and two slices of pizza. The girl working the prize counter was so nice kids who got 100 tickets were allowed to pick off the shelf of prizes valued at 500 tickets. My son got really lucky and although he only had 160 tickets he got a toy dart gun off the shelf with prizes valued at 1000 tickets.

It was fun day and all the kids were happy and tired out on the ride back to school. I am so glad I was able to go on this class trip.

I originally wrote this post on on May 14, 2015. The site is shutting down and I never earned any payment. I have transferred this post here on this awesome new blog site and deleted the article on personapaper.

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