Wednesday, April 6, 2016

I am finally seeing a bit of improvement with my daughters hives

Last night every 4 hours I had my alarm going off and giving my daughter Benedryl. It helped. It also made her extremely tired though so she slept the majority of the day away today. The Benedryl was basically taming the hives enough that they weren't causing her to itch as bad as she had been. She still had them all over her body today though.
After she finally woke up fully for the day I had her take a bath then we wiped the steroid ointment all over the hives which she said made it itch worse as it was initially applied. I then tried giving her another hydroxyzine tablet and was worried it was going to make the hives worse. It did seem to help a lot as she barely has any hives on her skin now. I will be giving her another dose every 6 hours. The next dose is going to be around 1 am.
Around 4 pm I received a text from my daughters friends mother asking if it was okay for her daughter to bring a card for my daughter since my daughter has been out of school over a week now. My daughters friend got up early today and made her a card from construction paper. She took it to school and got teachers and classmates signatures and get well wishes. She also got my daughter a large wonka pixie stick and a mad libs activity pad. I thought it was such a thoughtful thing for her to do. My daughters face lit up. She was so happy to see her friend and to see all the signatures. Her friend said my daughter better be really happy because she even got her crush's signature for here. They are 10 how cute :)
My daughter is still extremely pale and not eating much. I have forced her to eat a bit more today even though she doesn't feel hungry. I got her to have an apple with peanut butter to dip them in. She also ate a few mozzarella sticks. I cannot remember what else I got her to eat. It wasn't much though but better then she has been eating while she hasn't been feeling well. Most likely the hives will appear more in the morning after sweating while sleeping. Hopefully they are starting to ease up and go away soon. The poor kid has been suffering with this.
I have talked to two of my late husbands relatives who have had hives like this. One has been battling with them for 3 years. The other had them three different times in his life and each time they lasted about a year. He told me that one of his sisters and 3 of his brothers (which would be my daughters great aunts and great uncles) have battled with this in the past as well. So I guess it is some type of auto immune reaction that is genetic. I dread if my daughter has to keep going through this for months or years.

I originally wrote this post on on January 27, 2015. The site is shutting down and I never earned any payment. I have transferred this post here on this awesome new blog site and deleted the article on personapaper.

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