Friday, April 1, 2016

I got soaked in gasoline today

Oh man what a day I had today. I got up at decided rather then lay around sleeping on the couch I would get up and do the dishes and have coffee and get my day started. I was so tired that the whole process took hours.
I got makeup on and went and got a gas can to fill with gasoline to put in the car that was being fixed so I could drive it home. At the gas station I opened the gas can, ran my debit card through, selected the grade I wanted, picked up the nozzle and flipped the metal part up to starting position. Gas started spewing everywhere . I was in shocked. I have been pumping gas for 20 years and have never had a mishap like this.
I am not good in emergencies I stand there going oh my god what do I do. It was soaking the ground and my yoga pants and feet until I finally thought to stick the nozzle into the gas can. But then I couldn't figure out how to get it to stop. A guy who saw the problems I was having told me to squeeze it again to get it to stop pumping that the lock was getting stuck on.
After I finished getting the amount of gas I needed I went inside to tell the clerk what happened and she couldn't grasp what I was trying to tell her. I wanted her to know that there was a pretty large gas spill out there that might need to be cleaned up as well as a faulty pump nozzle.
Today was my parents anniversary so we went over and had cake and ice cream with them and I gave them a card. My kids and I came home and finished watching Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone movie we started to watch yesterday. My nerves have been so bad that I finally gave in and took an anxiety pill today so I wound up falling asleep through the very end of the movie.
After dinner and baths I read chapter 8 of Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone book to the kids before bed. I like that I can picture the characters better now after watching the movie but I actually like the book better then the movie. Although the movie was good as well.

I originally wrote this post on on September 13, 2015. The site is shutting down and I never earned any payment. I have transferred this post here on this awesome new blog site and deleted the article on personapaper.

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