Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Everything that could go wrong on Wednesday did go wrong what a day

Wednesday I spent the day/night getting ready for the Breakfast Club / baby shower I was hosting for my friend Stephanie. Every single thing that could go wrong that day did go wrong. It was not a good day.
The day started out with a very low tire. I managed to get it full of air with my small air pump but just barely because it kept trying to quit. I think there is a short somewhere that is causing the fuse to the cigarette lighter to blow. I dropped the cord in a puddle of water since my driveway is like a pond right now after the ice melting.
The next problem was my water filter got plugged with rust from not being changed in awhile so we were running low on water. The pressure was so low we could not take showers and it took forever just to get a few inches of water in the tub to bathe in plus the water was a bit rusty colored yuck.
The wood around my bedroom door is old and rotted a bit so the one piece of metal screwed in fell off awhile back. I threw it away as the door would still say shut anyway. Well the wood wore out more so the door now wouldn't stay shut at all. So I had to take a metal part off our closet to temporarily use on my door to keep it shut until I buy a new doorknob. It doesn't fit perfectly the temporary one so it still doesn't close well but it works for now.
My sister found a seal puzzle in storage and my daughter loves seals so she sent it over for my daughter to do. I asked her if the pieces were missing and she said no. Of about 30 puzzles she has sent over during the years maybe 4 have had all the pieces that's it. I was going to say no I don't want it but seeing it was a harp seal puzzle I knew my daughter would be excited. She spent two days off and on working on this the whole time saying there is missing pieces. In the end I wound up helping her finish it and there were 19 missing pieces. I was like oh my god I am never ever accepting another used puzzle as long as I live. I had my daughter make a sad face looking at the puzzle and posted it to facebook to joke around with my sister.

The last and worst disaster of the day was when I went to finish the plague I was working on for my friends present. I had it all painted pretty and it was dry and ready for polyurethane. I put a coat on it and instead of drying clear it dried with a yellowish tint so I had to repaint the darn thing. 

It doesn't look as good as the first time I painted it but I'm pretty happy with how it turned out.

I originally wrote this post on on March 13, 2015. The site is shutting down and I never earned any payment. I have transferred this post here on this awesome new blog site and deleted the article on personapaper.

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