Thursday, September 29, 2016

I created 2 geocaches & found 2 more (with spoilers)

I had been wanting to make my own geocaches since I got started geocaching about a year and a half ago. I made one but wanted to wait until I got a handheld gps so I could get more accurate coordinates. I finally got one and set out to place two geocaches on September 22.

Down the road is a tiny little old Jail. The road is called Jail Hill and some locals never realized what the building is or how the road got its name. The building is leaning quite badly and I think in a few years it will collapse. I've thought over the years how neat it would have been if someone had moved it and restored it to create a little town historical society. I wanted to bring people here to see it and learn a little about the areas history by placing a geocache there named Jail Hill.  It is on a very sharp corner and has a terrible bees nest on the front of it so I placed it down the street in site of the jail. It is hidden in a guard rail.

My husband died on March 22, 2011 and although he hated the outdoors and likely never would have gone geocaching if I was interested in it before he died I still wanted to create a geocache for him. After a lot of running back and forth to the Lakeview cemetery and my house I finally got it all in place. Behind his grave he is directly between two trees. I put a hook in the tree and hung a bottle from it that I had added a key ring to and covered with camo tape.  I would have loved to make it a theme of things my husband liked but I would have needed a larger container and there is very few places I could put a cache near his grave. I named this Remembering Jim.

When I can't find a geocache I add it to my watch list. When someone finds it sometimes I get a good hint that sends me back looking for it. This is the case with Billy Greenwood. Someone posted that they returned to look again and saw that a new bridge had been made. Last time I looked for this I couldn't figure out where to cross the water and realized their must have been a bridge that got washed out in one of the floods. I went back and finally found this cache (a medicine bottle) hidden in a tree. GZ was in awful shape. There was broken tvs and other garbage all over.

I happened to check the app and see if there were any new ones nearby and I saw one was placed at the Reddon's Sports Complex. I stopped and grabbed the FTF at this cache called Play Ball!!. I have gotten 3 FTFs now! It was a magnetic key holder stuck to the underside of a drinking fountain.

This brought my geocache total finds up to 126.

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