Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Day 2 on the 4-H Tech Wizards GeoTrail (with spoilers!!!)

September 8th I continued my second day on the 4-H Tech Wizard GeoTrail. I was shocked to be able to make it to 7 different caches in one day as far apart as they were located.

The first geocache I found of the day was called 4-H Tech Wizards GeoTrail Cache #15. It is located at North Windsor Berries in Windsor NY. It is a pick your own berry farm but they have other things you can come buy already picked like pumpkins and peaches etc. I was in a hurry so I didn't have time to pick any raspberries so I asked if they happened to have any ready to sell. She said no. They had a huge cake there were they have birds they bring out during the day. None were in the cage as early as I arrived. I told her I will bring my daughter back so she can pick some raspberries but I was told they have to be 15 to do it. Understandable. I will make a stop back to that town to geocache and pick berries on another day.

The second geocache I found was called 4-H Tech Wizards GeoTrail Cache #4. It is located at Animal Adventure Park in Colesville NY.  I had been here two years prior with my children. It is a wonderful place but it was not open when I arrived. I was able to get the geocache without any worry of muggles. 

The third geocache was 4-H Tech Wizards GeoTrail Cache #5. It is located at Path of Life Camp in Fenton NY. This was the only one where I got to take a little hike in the woods and I loved it. I unfortunately pretty much took the wrong turn every time there was a choice in the woods so it was a much longer hike then it was supposed to be. I didn't mind. I love the woods and it was a beautiful day. I was so happy that this camp allowed a geocache to be placed here and allowed strangers to walk through their beautiful woods. I saw some really neat things like a very old tractor with the name Jaegar on it. I think that is pronounced the same as my nephews name. 

The fourth geocache was 4-H Tech Wizards GeoTrail Cache #8. It is located at Country Wagon in Maine NY. This place was absolutely adorable. They had everything decorated so beautifully. Out back was a shed and as you can see on the photo that is where the geocache is located. As I went back to my van I realized I locked my keys in it. Thankfully the window was down about an inch. I went inside and asked the girl running the place if she had a metal coat hanger or yard stick I would use to stick down in and hit the unlock butter. She gave me a yard stick and I got it open. As I did it set the alarm off and it took me awhile to figure out how to shut it off. I almost called it quits at that point thinking maybe it was a sign to give up for the day.

The fifth geocache was 4-H Tech Wizards GeoTrail Cache #9. It is located at Hust Roost Farm in Nanticoke NY. I found a keychain in it that said Rocky and that is my daughters nickname so I was very excited to make a trade for that and bring it home to her.

The sixth geocache was 4-H Tech Wizards GeoTrail Cache #12. It is located at Schnurbush Park in Conklin NY. All the kids are back to school so thankfully I stopped during school hours as there were no muggles around. 

The last geocache I had time for was 4-H Tech Wizards GeoTrail Cache #6. It is located in Kirkwood NY at a local home that sells honey. I pulled down in the driveway as the driving guidance on maps lead me there. It actually was right along the road so I didn't need to pull down in. I was greeted by two dogs and a woman whom is also a geocache. I bought 10 honey sticks off her for $3 for my children. I was glad to have made the wrong turn and landed in her driveway!

It was a great day and I sure was tired after all that driving and the hike. I found some neat items in the caches and made some trades. I love seeing what is in each one. Someone must like erasers like my children as their was erasers in each cache. 

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