Monday, February 29, 2016

Geocaching at McDonald's on Leap Day (spoilers!!)

Today I wanted to do something special with my kids when they got home from school. I decided to take them to McDonald's for milkshakes. I took my niece and my mans son as well. My sister and father decided to meet us there to celebrate as well.

They had to stop for gas so while we were waiting for them to arrive at McDonald's we wanted to try another time to find the geocache hidden there. We had looked back in May but had no luck finding it.

The title of the geocache was "This cache can be seen from the highway". That gave me a pretty good clue as to where it was hidden.

I spotted the magnetic key holder underneath the base of the huge McDonald's sign that indeed could be seen from the highway or probably a half mile away at least. The outside of the bag was a little damp but the log inside was dry and wrapped around a silica gel packet. I thought that was an excellent idea! I will be keeping that in mind for the future geocaches I create. Our total of geocache finds is now 68.

Once my father and sister arrived we went inside and got our milkshakes. I let the kids choose what they wanted. Three wanted shamrock shakes and my son wanted a chocolate milkshake. 

My daughter didn't realize that a shamrock shake was mint so she took one sip and didn't anymore. I drank it and bought her an Oreo McFlurry. My son also hates whipped tipping so he did not like his chocolate milk shake either. Boy I have such picky children. 

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