Monday, February 29, 2016

Geocaching Leap Day Weekend (spoilers!!!)

Sunday was an absolutely gorgeous day. It was just under 60 degrees. A perfect day for my son and I to go geocaching. I got out my geocaching t-shirt and we got our boots on and headed off.

The first geocache we went to find was called Great Bend 155 mm. The coordinates led us to the Musa-Stiles VFW Post 6223. There was a number of places it could have been hidden but we found it in a little hiding spot on the cannon. Great place for a hide but I think there were lots of other hiding places that would have been better as the log was soaked. The hint for this was "You will have to feel for this one". i I am thinking that whoever found this last might have moved it because I noticed it as I walked by without having to feel for anything.

If they had hid this in the gun book compartment it would have stayed dry. 

The second geocache we went to find was called Great Bend Hose Co. No. 1. The coordinates led us to a place I recognized easily by the name. As we got closer I assumed the cache would be hidden in the rocks somewhere. We looked around awhile and then my 8 year old son reminded me to look for a hint. The hint said "Oh say can you see..." I read it out loud and said hmm something to do with a flag. I was looking at the building for one and my son ran behind me to a flag pole and lifted the bottom up and there was the cache. He was so excited to find it and laughed at my airhead moment that I didn't even notice the flag pole there.

The third geocache we went to find was very close by. It was called "Tie" Down. I drove along the road as far as I could and parked in a local park called the Billy Greenwood Memorial Park. As soon as we parked and got out a couple of kids ran up the bank and yelled to us that this was their territory and for us to get the f out. Not a very nice welcome to a public park. 

We left the park and walked .20 miles down the railroad tracks to a light wooded area. The coordinates were absolutely spot on with this one which is always a huge help. At GZ I spotted this within seconds. Unfortunately the metal can was crushed on the one side so it was very hard to pry open. We had brought a long tradeables so I was determined to get this open for my son. I got out my knife and pride it open only to see it was all moldy and wet inside. I marked on the app that we found it but it needs maintenance. I am always sad to see a fun hide wind up damaged. 

My son enjoyed our day out geocaching and our total is now at 67. Since we found a geocache on Leap Day weekend we also earned a new souvenir. 

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