Thursday, June 9, 2016

Jessee's Place Ice Cream and Denny's along with the rest of our day

Today is day 8 of summer vacation for my children. Since school got out my daughter has been asking to go to the libraries that we visit only in the summer time. The first thing I wanted to do today was treat them to ice cream so I looked on facebook to find an ice cream shop in that area. The only one I could find was Jessee's Place Ice Cream.

I turned the gps on and we hit the road. About 45 minutes later we arrived.

My 8 year old son is a very nervous child. He looked over the menu and quietly told the woman working "I want chocolate peanut butter ice cream" She looked at him and said "Is that how you ask? You say May I..." I was pretty irked but said nothing. She brought the two ice creams out (It was $5 for two small hard ice creams in a cup) and said she tries to teach children manners unless they are autistic or something for me to let her know. 

I was pretty mad by this point and disgusted that she thinks its okay to make a child embarrassed when he ordered correctly and told her what he wanted...unless they are autistic.. what???  I do not go to a restaurant and say "May I please have a veggie patty". I say "I will have a veggie patty" or "I would like a veggie patty". I do not see anything wrong with my son telling her what he wanted. Manners are good to have but it isn't a food server's place to teach a child manners that should be left up to the parent. 

I told her that my son never talks to strangers so I was just glad to see him speaking to her at all to say his order. She said that "Now I will know for next time he comes back." I guarantee you I will never go back to that ice cream shop ever again. 

Our next stops were to the Nancy Kay Holmes Library and the Library Express to sign up for the summer reading programs. My daughter is old enough now that she will get to do the youth reading groups / teen summer reading groups. She has been really looking forward to it. 

While we were at the Steamtown Mall (where Library Express is located) I stopped at the dollar store and found two awesome pairs of sunglasses for $1.99 each. As I was in line to pay I noticed some new energy drinks. I like to try every brand I see so I grabbed the flavor that looked the best to me. I love the design on this one with the black widow spider!

Our last stop was Denny's for dinner. Tuesdays and Thursdays they have kids eat free night. My son is still eligible for a free meal. My daughter ordered a build your own appetizer sampler that was two orders of mozzarella sticks and a cheese quesadilla. She didn't like any of it. I'm not surprised as she is so picky! I finished it up for her. My son got spaghetti and a side of apple slices. 

I got a veggie patty with a side of fries. I have never had a veggie patty anywhere but Burger King or Subway. When I was young I ordered one at Friendly's and was given a meat burger instead. It kind of traumatized me so this was the first time I actually ate one. It looked better then it tasted to be honest I would have been happier with just a grilled cheese and it would have cost a lot less as well. 

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