Monday, June 20, 2016

Family Fun Day at McDade Park and geocaching (spoilers!!)

Saturday June 18, 2016 I took my kids to McDade Park for a family fun day event. I thought this would be a lot different then it was. We got there and the only thing there was to do for the event was listen to the radio playing on speakers and eat hotdogs and drink lemonade or fruit punch. That is not my idea of a family fun day.

The playground is huge and my children enjoyed playing on it for a few minutes but it was a very hot day. We walked around the grounds but it was a bit buggy so kids didn't really want to do any exploring.

When we arrived I checked to see if there was a geocache at this park and there was a few. I decided to do a quick easy cache called Mein Verbergen that was located near the entrance to the park.

I parked at the playground parking area and walked a nice little trail through the woods.

 I was in a hurry to find this cache so I used the hint to find it. The hint said "On right going up steps".

 With this hint I found it easily. I signed the log and replaced it where I found it and we left the park to go get groceries.

 My total of geocaches found to date is now 72.

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