Wednesday, October 5, 2016

I found 12 geocaches on 9-28-16 (spoilers)

I think this is the most geocaches I have ever found in one day. I was shocked and very happy with how many I was able to find in the hours while my children were at school.

I started with a brand new geocache called Bear Crossing. It was a medicine bottle hidden in a guardrail. Usually this is a terribly busy road but there was construction being done just down the road so it was quiet while I was there and I had no run ins with mama bear whom this cache was named for. I was the third person to find this one.

The second geocache I went to find was at Bucks Falls. I had looked for this cache called Butts Hotel @ Bucks before but was in a hurry and had to head for home and mark it as a DNF :( There was a FTF that logged this so I knew the coordinates were correct but my gps just was bouncing all over. I was determined not to leave until I found this. It took me about an hour and a lot of nervousness due to my fear of heights but I finally found it. It was hidden very well. It was a beautiful spot to view the falls and was tucked between the rocks and a really neat tree root. I picked up a trackable called Cachekinz - Ocean Series and dropped off one I had called Geocache Trails.

The third geocache was Sweethearts Tree Cache. It was a tiny little film container hidden behind a rock at the base of an amazing tree. There were so many names carved into this tree over the years as it grew. I was so in awe looking at this. It really is something you have to see in person to appreciate as photos but do not do it justice.

The fourth geocache was All Gave Some, Some Gave all #47 Wrighter Lake Rd. It was hidden in a stone wall in very beautiful little old cemetery.  I hate when people hide things in old stone walls as they get ruined by careless people looking for the caches. Thankfully this was easily spotted and so there was no need to move things around to look for it.

The fifth geocache was Orson Cemetery Cache. This was another old stone wall hide that was easy to spot so I did not have to remove any stones.

When I had driven to the Orson Cemetery I noticed a memorial at the end of the road. When I did a search at the cemetery to see where some nearby geocaches were I saw this one listed and knew right where it was. It was called The Hine Memorial. I was surprised to find it stuck under a large stone on the memorial. I thought it would be on the road side or somewhere else. It was just a log hidden in an old rusty Altoids container but it did the job!

The seventh geocache was A Lonely Place. When I arrived at the coordinates I can see how it got its name. It is probably the smallest cemetery I have ever seen. The cache was two tiny bison tubes on keychains attached to the tree. It had a ziplock bag around it to try to keep the water out. One tube was an old moldy log and the other tube held a newer one was the one that I signed.

The eighth geocache was Spruce Lake Cache. When I got to GZ I saw this was laying on the ground. I turned it over and saw that it had a reflector on it. What a great disguise when hidden in the tree. I could not get it to fit back in the tree so I laid it facing the correct way in front of it.

The ninth geocache was Tamarack Swamp. This was a little container covered in duck tape and magnetic. It gave me a good idea for making my own geocache container like this. This was hidden on a guardrail and was easy to spot. The swamp was actually very pretty and I was happy not to have to go down through any swampy area to find a cache. Across the street was a really old camper that I went and checked out. I think I might have liked investigating that as much as looking at the swamp.

The tenth geocache was a new one called Gone but not Forgotten at an old cemetery. It took me awhile to spot this but eventually found it hidden in a stone wall. I was the second one to find this.

The eleventh geocache was A Cache at Belmont Lake. This was probably my favorite cache of the day because of the size of the container. It was an ammo can. It was well out of the way of muggles. I picked up a travel bug here called Travel Bug Origins. After I was finished I took a way down to look at the lake and was very glad to have come here to see this. It was a chilly day threatening to storm but people were still out fishing on boats making the best of the day.

The final geocache of the day was called Miller Pond. I parked at the Reservoir not realizing how far away the cache was. I took a bunch of photos of the Reservoir and walked down the street and the dirt road to the boat launch area. I was shocked so see how little water there was. I had never been here before but the photos on the geocaching site showed a few years ago how stunning this place was. I found the cache hidden in a tree.

After a long but excellent day I headed home. This brought my geocaching total finds to 141.

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