Tuesday, October 11, 2016

10 more geocaches found making my total 151

October 3, 2016 I went out for another full day of geocaching. 

My first stop was a new geocache called Road Trip. I parked down the street at a nature preserve assuming that was there this was hidden. I was wrong and had to walk down the street where I found the geocache hidden in a guardrail. I was the third one to find this.

The next one Rest Easy was another new one by the same owner. This was hidden in an old stone wall in cemetery. I was the fourth one to find it.

I opened the app to see what geocaches were nearby and saw that there was one right down the driveway and across the road. Down the driveway on the side was a stone wall and what I assume may be a waypoint or benchmark.

This geocache was called Old Colonial Mausoleum. It was a magnetic key holder hidden inside a guardrail between a small cemetery and the Mausoleum. This place seemed kind of creepy to me.

The next geocache was called Stillwater bedlands. It took me so long to find as my gps just kept bouncing me around and the grass and thorns were so high. I should have waited until after winter comes and goes to find this but once I got started I was determined to find it before I left. After along time of searching I finally found it hanging in a tree.

The contents were buttons and were really neat so I was a bit bummed they were all water logged and rusty. It was still nice to see them though and worth finding.

The next cache was called Stillwater Dam Overlook I could have walked down the trail to find the next geocache called but it said that the bridge was out so I decided to drive down to the parking lot to find this. I had to crawl under a very low hanging tree limb and found the cache lying on the ground. I signed the log and put it back not sure if that was really where it was supposed to go for sure or not.

Stillwater's Other Side was hidden in a guardrail in front of the rail trail. Things were to heavy with tall grass to see any view of the Stillwater Dam.

Payne in the Side was another guardrail hide. It took me down a nice quite country road to view a tiny creek. Nothing very special but it did give me another smiley.

I assumed the next geocache Elkview would be at the local ski resort but when I arrived at the coordinates I realized it was in the game lands. I don't like doing game lands very often as I am nervous of wild animals. This was mowed pretty well to GZ to that made things a lot easier and it wasn't a very difficult hike. I was happy that this was NOT a stone wall hide but was instead hidden inside a rotted tree that looked like it had been hit with lighting.

Once I got back to my vehicle I checked where the next nearby geocache was and found that if I had not turned back after finding the previous geocache I could have walked to this one fairly close by. It was called LL Rd G Lands 236. I drove down the road and parked in a different spot and hiked in another way to the game lands. I saw such so many beautiful things along the way. A huge wasp nest, a butterfly and some really interesting fungus growing on a tree. I looked it up and found this is called Laetiporus sulphureus (Chicken of the Woods). 

This was mowed most of the way to GZ as well but finding the way in the last 50 feet was harder and harder yet figuring out where the geocache was hidden. I finally spotted the ammo container hidden in a fallen tree. I dropped off a trackable called Cachekinz - Ocean Series.

When I reached home I saw a message on facebook from the owner of a new geocache called Leave it to Beaver. She showed me that another geocacher told me the go ahead and get the FTF on this one. I really did not feel like heading back out as I was exhausted from the game lands but when I saw he had written that I had to go find it. My son went with me and we found the geocache hidden in a guardrail showing us a view of a local Beaver Dam. I've driven by it a hundred times and never really paid it much attention until now.

So I rounded out the day with finding 10 geocaches and bringing my total to 151.

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